Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Outdoor Fire Pit Safety: 4 Things You Need To Know Before Adding A Fire Pit

Adrian Spencer

Adding a fire pit to your yard can be a great way to optimize your outdoor entertaining space. Still, there are some important safety considerations that need to be kept in mind as you prepare to install a fire pit on your property. 

Consider the Location and Placement

Take some time to scope out the location where your fire pit will be installed or placed. Check local building codes to find out the minimum distance your fire pit should be kept away from your home. Furthermore, never place a fire pit on a wooden deck, even if the deck is coated with a nonflammable sealant. When placing your fire pit, also be mindful of any vegetation, such as tree branches, that may need to be trimmed back to avoid being caught in a fire.

Only Burn Safe, Seasoned Wood

Certain materials shouldn't be put into a fire pit because they can release harmful chemicals when burned. Some examples of materials to keep out of the fire pit include foam and plastic, as well as construction materials like composite woods. Ideally, you'll want to stick with natural woods that have been seasoned for six months or more.

Keep Water And/Or Sand Close By

While a properly constructed fire pit and general fire safety knowledge should prevent any major issues from arising, it's always better to be safe when it comes to fire. Make sure that you have a water source close by (whether it be a hose or a pre-filled bucket of water) while enjoying a fire so that you have the resources to put out a fire that begins to get too large. You might also want to keep some sand bags near your fire pit for the same reason.

Teach Children Fire Pit Safety

Any time children are present around a fire, there is additional injury potential. Make sure all children are taught fire pit safety basics, such as to never run or horse play around a fire and to never throw things into a fire. Children need to understand just how dangerous it can be to treat fires carelessly.

With these safety tips in mind, you'll be on your way to hosting safe backyard bonfires in no time. Just be sure to select an outdoor fire pit that is made with quality, noncombustible materials for long-term use. If in doubt, have a professional install a fire pit on your property for you.

Contact a company like Eastgate Pools for more information and assistance. 


2024© Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area
About Me
Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

After struggling for years with an unsightly backyard, I realized that there were a few issues that I might be able to resolve with the help of a few professional contractors. For starters, I realized that I could have the pool fixed, so I started working towards finding the perfect contractor for the job. I was able to find an expert who specialized in tile work, and it was amazing to see how much he was able to do in a short period of time. This blog is all about creating a pool area of your dreams by working with the right experts.
