Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

3 Tips To Prepare Your Pool For The Winter

Adrian Spencer

As the weather turns colder, you'll need to do some work around the house to ensure your home is ready for the cooler days ahead. If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, you'll want to act sooner rather than later to make sure it makes it through to next summer fully intact and ready to go. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you close down your pool before winter arrives.

Balance It Out One Last Time

You'll want your pool water's pH levels to be correct before you shut things down in order to ensure that no damage is done to the pool itself due to a chemical imbalance. If you live in an area where it gets especially frigid, some pool contractors recommend adding special chemicals that can help provide winter protection for your pool.

Make Sure It's as Clean As Possible to Avoid Stains

While you were probably planning on at least using your skimmer one last time, you'll also want to make sure you take the time to really scrub down the sides of the pool and the pool floor and run the vacuum on any areas that need some additional help. If you leave even a small bit of algae or another substance stuck to your pool's walls during the winter, it could leave a stain that will be very difficult to remove when you try to set the pool up again next summer.

Add a Cover

If you don't have a pool cover, you'll want to invest in one before the winter arrives and ideally even before the leaves start falling during the autumn season. The colder months of the year could send leaves and other debris into your pool, and that could cause a problem if left unchecked. Get a winter-proof cover that can stand up to the elements and protect the pool as much as possible.

One additional note here is that if you do install a pool cover, you'll want to keep an eye on snow accumulation this winter and brush the snow off of the cover before it puts too much weight on it.

If you want your pool to look great when you first jump in next summer, make sure you shut things down properly this fall. Clean the pool as best as you can to avoid long-term stains and properly balance the water and add de-icing agents if needed for extra protection. If you encounter any significant issues, contact a pool repair specialist to get things taken care of before it gets too cold.


2024© Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area
About Me
Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

After struggling for years with an unsightly backyard, I realized that there were a few issues that I might be able to resolve with the help of a few professional contractors. For starters, I realized that I could have the pool fixed, so I started working towards finding the perfect contractor for the job. I was able to find an expert who specialized in tile work, and it was amazing to see how much he was able to do in a short period of time. This blog is all about creating a pool area of your dreams by working with the right experts.
