Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

What To Do If Your Concrete Pool Is Leaking

Adrian Spencer

If your in-ground swimming pool is leaking, it may be because you have a crack or hole in your concrete. It may be difficult to find the hole/crack, but you can tell if you have one as your pool water will begin to go down faster than just your everyday evaporation from the heat or the sun. If you're losing inches of water in just a few days, or you are having to put more and more water into your pool, you likely have a leak. You may also detect a leak by water puddling around the ground around your pool. If you suspect that you have a leak in your concrete pool, you need to find the leak and make the necessary repairs. Read on for tips to accomplish this.

Do A Thorough Inspection

You're going to have to get into your pool to do a thorough inspection. Get in the pool and feel around or look around with goggles on. You're looking for any cracks or holes that water could escape out of. Pay close attention to the corners and around the drain or skimmer opening in the pool, as well as the return opening or around any lights you may have in the pool. These areas are more than likely areas where you'll find a leak, as the concrete here may break down faster. 

Drain Water If Necessary And Make Your Repair

Drain the water in the pool so you have a dry area to work with. You're going to need to fill in any gaps or openings with silicone that can withstand the water in the pool and prevent further leaking. You can also fill in the cracks with concrete patch, but you need to be sure you smooth it out to prevent any rough edges from cutting anyone. If you do have rough edges, sand them down with a metal file. Fill in the openings with the concrete patch and allow it to dry and set thoroughly before you add any water back to the pool. When you fill in a crack with concrete, you need to be sure you remove any loose concrete and use a stiff bristle brush to remove any debris so the concrete properly adheres to the pool wall or floor.

If you have a leak in your concrete pool, you need to find the hole/crack and make the repair to prevent worsening the problem. Hire a professional pool repair service to help you with this type of issue to ensure it is done correctly. To learn more, contact a company like All-American Pools.


2024© Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area
About Me
Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

After struggling for years with an unsightly backyard, I realized that there were a few issues that I might be able to resolve with the help of a few professional contractors. For starters, I realized that I could have the pool fixed, so I started working towards finding the perfect contractor for the job. I was able to find an expert who specialized in tile work, and it was amazing to see how much he was able to do in a short period of time. This blog is all about creating a pool area of your dreams by working with the right experts.
