Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

Why Isn't Your Filter Cleaning Your Water? Three Repair Tips

Adrian Spencer

Your pool filter is the reason why your water is clean and clear. The chemicals you add to it help as well, but the filter is what removes the dirt and algae that may be in your water. The filter has a major responsibility, and without it, your water will not be clear. If your filter isn't running properly, you may have dirty, green water. There are troubleshooting tips to help you get your filter working as it should. read on for helpful tips to get your filter working properly. 

1. Change Your Sand

The sand inside the filter may be too dirty and is not allowing your filter to clean the water as well as it should. The sand in your filter is going to accumulate with dirt and debris, but it shouldn't be too dirty that it doesn't allow the water to move throughout it and enable the water to get clean. You should change your sand every year, but if you have a major problem with algae in your pool, you should consider changing it during the pool season as well.

2. Inspect the "Fingers" Inside the Filter

There are "fingers" inside the filter that help to filter the water throughout the sand. These long finger-like projections can break over time. If they are broken, they aren't going to move the sand and water as they should and the water will not get clean. You may also have sand in your water as well because of this. You need to replace this part of your filter with a brand new part. Once replaced, re-fill the filter with new sand and re-attach the hoses. Turn the filter back on and keep it running for several days to ensure your pool gets clean. Backwash it every day to clean the water in your pool.

3. Clear Out the Pump and Skimmer Basket

The skimmer basket is the first trap for debris in the pool. When this basket fills up, it can block the water from getting to your filter, which can cause problems for the filter and your pool. You need to empty the skimmer basket daily. The secondary trap is the one inside the pump. This should also be emptied at least a few times throughout the pool season to ensure plenty of water is getting into the filter to work properly.

If your pool is not clean, the filter may be to blame. If it is not working as it should, you may need to hire a professional pool equipment repair company to help get your filter working as it should.


2024© Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area
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Creating A More Beautiful Pool Area

After struggling for years with an unsightly backyard, I realized that there were a few issues that I might be able to resolve with the help of a few professional contractors. For starters, I realized that I could have the pool fixed, so I started working towards finding the perfect contractor for the job. I was able to find an expert who specialized in tile work, and it was amazing to see how much he was able to do in a short period of time. This blog is all about creating a pool area of your dreams by working with the right experts.
